Our Identity
What does RxCourse mean?
It is composed of two words:
Rx: A medical prescription. The symbol “Rx” is usually said to stand for the Latin word “recipe” meaning “to take.” It is customarily part of the superscription (heading) of a prescription. RxList
Course: A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification. Oxford.
Our brand represents Rx, the letter R is wearing a graduation cap as a symbol of education. One arm of the letter X is a test tube with bubbles, symbolizing a continuous chemical reaction. The two letters together are changes and improvements to the professional lives of our pharmacist’s students.
Our Colors
Rx Blue
HEX : #38b1c4
CMYK : 71%, 10%, 0%, 23%
Not quite black
HEX : #313b3d
CMYK : 20%, 3%, 0%, 76%
Deep BurBle
HEX : #5d065e
CMYK : 1%, 94%, 0%, 63%
Tiriki to Not Quite Grey
HEX : #2db6cc to #176d7a
CMYK: 78%, 11%, 0%, 20% to 81%, 11%, 0%, 52%